Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Turn on Kiosk Mode for Non-Admin Accounts
If you turn on Kiosk mode, and open the file, using an account that has full access, it won't
look any different. But if you log in with a lesser account, everything changes. The screen
goes completely black, except for the content area of your database window. When you use
Kiosk mode, you typically hide the Status toolbar and let people control everything by using
the buttons on layouts. Alternatively, you can use Custom Menus to hide all the menus and
commands that would let nosy people poke around in your file. Remember to troubleshoot
your file before creating a custom runtime from it, because any problems in your file (broken
links, missing data, bad scripts) also show up in the runtime. Once you've suppressed all the
normal FileMaker commands, folks have no way of getting around these problems.
Databases Must have a Filemaker File Extension
Sometimes people, Mac types especially, create databases without the .fmp12 file extension,
only to regret that decision later. An extension is the computer's most compatible way to
identify a file. So turn on “Databases must have a FileMaker file extension,” and FileMaker
adds “.fmp12” to the end of every file name that doesn't already have it.
Create Error Log for any Processing Errors
While FileMaker processes your files, applying your options, building runtime programs, or
renaming files, it may encounter problems. Turn on “Create error log for any processing er-
rors” so you can see what went wrong. FileMaker saves error messages in a file on your hard
drive (you get to pick where it goes and what it's called).
Loading and Saving Settings
If you maintain a database system that other people use, you may well run your files through
Developer Utilities every time you send out a new version. To save you the tedium of config-
uring the Database Utilities dialog box again and again, FileMaker lets you save all your set-
tings to a special file—just click Save Settings. Later, when you're ready to process your
files again, click Load Settings and then select the same file. FileMaker sets up everything in
the dialog box for you. All you have to do is click Create.
File Maintenance
Computer files are, alas, fragile things. The more a file is open and in active use, the more
opportunity there is for something to go awry. A computer crash, power surge, power outage,
or malfunctioning hard drive can corrupt your digital files. FileMaker databases are just as
susceptible to corruption as any other file.
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