Database Reference
In-Depth Information
If you have a lot of files to turn off, you can Shift-click to select groups. Then if you turn off one
file's checkbox, every selected file turns off as well. This same approach applies to tables in the list
on the right.
Figure 13-11. The Database Design Report dialog box lets you tell FileMaker exactly what to in-
clude in the report. First, pick from among the open files. When you select one, all its tables appear
to the right. Below these, you can decide what other elements you want to report on. Finally, you
can opt for an HTML or XML report and ask FileMaker to open it for you when it's done.
The report includes field information for tables in each file. Select a file in the list to see all
its tables in the “Include fields from tables in selected file” list. Again, you can use the
checkboxes in this list to tell FileMaker which tables you want included in the report.
The “Include in report” section has a checkbox for each kind of database element the DDR
can report on. Again, FileMaker assumes you want everything, but you're free to limit the re-
port to just certain information. The less you report on, the faster the report runs, and the
smaller the final files.
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