Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12-19. This dialog box appears when you click the Specify button with a Select Window
script step selected. From here, you can specify the Current Window, or choose Window Name and
then put the name of the window you want in the box. This calculation looks for a window with the
name “Invoice” and the current Invoice's InvoiceID.
Usually, the current window is already in the front, and you don't have to worry about this step. But
when you run scripts that involve more than one database, as you'll learn in Chapter 17 , you may
need this step to bring forward the current window from another file .
Closing a Window
The Close Window script step has the same options as Select Window . You tell FileMaker
which window to close: the current window or one you specify by name.
Moving and Resizing Existing Windows
FileMaker has three ways to move and resize a window. You can opt for one of its canned
window maneuvers, or you can set the exact pixel size and location of the window just like
you can with the New Window step. You can also hide the current window.
Adjust Window
The Adjust Window script step always operates on the current window, and it gives you just
five simple choices:
▪ Choose “Resize to Fit,” and FileMaker makes the window exactly the right size to fit its
▪ Choose Maximize to make the window as large as possible.
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