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to. As a formula in the Set Field by Name function, it's still a lot shorter and easier to
manage than those seven If steps would be. For instance, suppose you want to change what
goes into the measurement field? With Set Field by Name , you have one place to change.
With seven separate Set Field steps, you'd have to fix things in all seven places.
Insert Calculated Result
Set Field overwrites the data in a field completely unless you calculate it to append the
data instead. Insert Calculated Result lets a script put data in a field while keeping the
data that's already there. It has three options. First you can specify a target field. You can
also choose “Select entire contents” in the field first (in which case it overwrites the entire
field, just like Set Field ). Finally, you get to specify the calculation. Here are some vari-
ations on these options:
▪ If you don't turn on the “Select entire contents” option, then FileMaker inserts the calcu-
lation result after whatever is already in the field.
▪ If you don't specify a field at all, and you don't turn on “Select entire contents,” then
FileMaker inserts the result of the calculation into the current field. If you select data
when the script step runs, then the calculation result overwrites whatever is highlighted.
Otherwise, the text goes in wherever the insertion point happens to be, just as though
you'd typed it from the keyboard.
Inserting Other Values
FileMaker has six other Insert script steps that work like Insert Calculated Result . Each
step lets you specify a target field, and select the field contents if you want. They differ only
in what gets inserted:
Insert Text lets you specify any static text value and add it to the field verbatim. Use
this step if you know ahead of time what you want your script to put in the field and
don't need to calculate it.
Insert from Device lets FileMaker Go users upload content to container fields from
certain sources of the iOS device. Some sources have options that appropriate for the as-
set you're uploading:
— Music Library .
— Photo Library .
— Camera . Select from the Front or Back camera, choose a Resolution.
— Video Camera . Camera options, plus set a Maximum duration for recording and
whether recording will Start Immediately.
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