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script. For example, you can return a False value in an Exit Script result. That keeps you
from having to write a script that remembers where the user was before he tried to switch to
a new layout and then take him back if you want to cancel that switch to keep him where he
was. This way, you prevent the switch until some condition (like entering data in all the re-
quired fields on a layout) is met.
OnLayoutSizeChange is triggered when a layout or a window is resized. It runs after the res-
izing action, is not cancelable, and runs in Browse and Find modes. OnLayoutSizeChange
fires when a window is first opened on all FileMaker platforms, and after any of the follow-
ing events:
▪ In FileMaker Go, when the iOS device is rotated, or when the status toolbar is hidden or
▪ In FileMaker Pro and WebDirect, when the user changes the size of the layout or win-
dow, and by hiding or showing the status toolbar or formatting bar via a menu command,
shortcut, or script step. Any script step that resizes the window or shows or hides the
status bar also fires the trigger.
The OnModeEnter trigger fires after you switch to a mode. So if you switch to Find mode,
the triggered script can use the Get(WindowMode) function to look at the current mode and
then branch accordingly.
OnModeExit fires after you leave a mode and is cancelable. As with the layout enter/exit trig-
gers, if you use both triggers, then OnModeExit fires first, before you leave the current mode.
Second, you enter the target mode and finally, OnModeEnter fires after the switch. But you
can intercept this whole process with an Exit Script step that checks a condition that keeps
the user in the original mode.
OnViewChange fires after you switch between Form, List, or Table views, so it isn't can-
celable. It works in Browse and Find modes. It doesn't activate when you first open a win-
dow or switch to a layout.
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