Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Multifield sorts can get as complicated as you like. Sometimes, they're a little tricky to get
right, particularly if you're sorting by more than two or three fields ( Figure 1-17 shows a re-
port that uses multiple sorts).
Sorting records when you're creating a report can change the way FileMaker tallies data. See Report
for info on creating layout parts that use sorted data to make sophisticated reports.
If you do a Multifield sort and then discover you didn't get quite what you expected (because
you had the fields in the wrong order), just choose Records→Sort Records again, move the
fields in the Sort Order list to the right places, and then click Sort.
Figure 1-17. The records in this window are sorted by Last Name and then First Name. The last
names are in alphabetical order, and when several people have the same last name, they appear to-
gether alphabetized by First Name. Check out the first two records, Pete Campbell and Boyd
Crowder. The Status toolbar shows you're viewing Sorted (as opposed to Unsorted) records. And a
series of custom buttons, labeled First, Last, City, State, and Status, perform two functions. They're
a quick way to resort your found set, and their display shows you which sort is in effect.
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