Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11-12. When your database has lots of scripts, like this one, organization becomes
critical. Here, the scripts are arranged in a logical order, and grouped into folders, as de-
scribed in the steps starting on the facing page. Some folders are open, and others are
closed, to make it easier to scan the list when you're working with a particular script.
Figure 11-13. In the Manage Scripts window, the New button makes a new script. But if you
click the little triangle, then you get a pop-up menu showing additional choices. You can
make a new folder instead, or add a separator to the script list.
3. In the Folder Name box, type Reports .
Just like everything else in FileMaker, a descriptive name helps you figure out what's
what. “Reports” is a little arbitrary, since this exercise is theoretical, but it's still a
good habit to use descriptive names.
4. Click OK .
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