Database Reference
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10. In the Calculation box, type “>0” (including the quotes) and then click OK .
This bit of computerese sets the Invoices::Balance Due field to the appropriate value
for finding unpaid invoices. FileMaker now shows the calculation beside the Set
Field step as well. (Spoken out loud, this step reads, “Set the Invoices::Balance Due
field to greater than zero.”)
11. Add a Perform Find script step to your script .
Don't specify any options. This step carries out the find operation. It's the equivalent
of clicking Find or pressing Enter if you were doing it yourself.
12. Add a Sort Records script step to your script. Then, in the Script Step Options
area, select “Perform without dialog.”
This action tells FileMaker you want the script to go ahead and sort, instead of open-
ing the Sort dialog box every time it runs. That way, the sort is the same every time
you run the script.
Figure 11-6. FileMaker shows your script steps in the order they'll be performed. If a step
has any options, then they're displayed in brackets after the step name. In this example, the
Invoices::Balance Due field is modified by the Set Field step.
13. Turn on the “Specify sort order” checkbox .
If you went through the script-planning phase, as described on Preparing the Data-
base , the Sort dialog box is already configured properly. When you add a Sort Re-
cords step to your script, FileMaker configures it to match the last sort you per-
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