Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Because you often need to find averages, FileMaker gives you a function that handles the
math in a given field. All you have to do is tell FileMaker which field you want to average.
The function takes care of figuring out both the count and sum of the related values. It looks
like this:
Average ( Line Item::Quantity )
The word Average is the function's name. Line Item::Quantity is a reference to a related
field. This field reference is called a parameter . Parameters tell the function which values to
use when performing the calculation. The Average() function requires only a single para-
meter, but many functions have two or more.
Parameters are always enclosed in parentheses. (A few functions—most notably, Ran-
dom—don't need any parameters, so you leave the parentheses off altogether.) When there's
more than one parameter, they're separated by a semicolon, as in the date function below:
Date ( Month ; Day ; Year )
FileMaker Pro 13 has 279 functions, divided into 18 groups, as described below. Later in this
chapter, you'll learn how to use some of the more common functions. (Functions come into
play in Chapter 10 and Chapter 16 as well.)
FileMaker has a lengthy help file (Ctrl+? or +?) that lists each function and some sample uses. If
you want to explore a function that isn't covered here, open Help and then type the function's name.
Text Functions
Dozens of text functions let you work with text values. You can compare them; convert them
into other types (like numbers); split them up in various ways; count the number of letters,
words, or lines; change case; and replace parts of them with new text values. If you're trying
to slice, mix, or examine words, look here first.
Text Formatting Functions
Text formatting functions let you adjust the font, size, style, and color of all or part of a text
value. For instance, you could make the account balance field for a customer turn red if the
customer owes more than $100.
Number Functions
Number functions do everything with numbers—from the mundane (rounding) to the esoter-
ic (combinatorics). In between, you can get rid of the decimal part of a number, calculate
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