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Logical Operators
The logical operators evaluate values and come up with a Boolean (Yes/No) result. Unlike
the other operators, most of them are recognizable words:
▪ The and operator tells you if both values are Yes. The calculation below uses the and op-
erator. It evaluates to Yes if the length is greater than 3 and the height is greater than 5.
ShapeLength > 3 and Height > 5
▪ The or operator tells you if either value is Yes. The or calculation below evaluates to Yes
if the length is greater than 3 or the height is greater than 5.
ShapeLength > 3 or Height > 5
▪ The xor operator's function is as offbeat as its name. It stands for exclusive or . The xor
operator tells you when only one of your two choices is Yes. Put another way, if you find
yourself thinking, “I want one of two things to be true, but not both of them,” then xor
saves the day. For instance, you may want to track whether you've billed a customer or
you've marked her character rating below 3. That formula looks like this:
Invoice Sent = Yes xor Character Rating < 3
If you can't think of a use for xor , don't worry. Most of the time when you need an “or” calcu-
lation, you can handle it with plain old or and not exclusive or .
▪ The last logical operator, not , stands alone: It works only on one value, not two like
every other operator. It simply reverses the Boolean value that comes after it. So the cal-
culation below would evaluate to Yes if the length is not greater than 3.
Not Length > 3
In practice comparison and logical operators are commonly combined with the logical functions
you'll find on Trigonometric Functions .
FileMaker uses standard mathematical rules to decide in what order to evaluate things. The
order of evaluation is exponentiation, then multiplication/division and then lastly addition/
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