Database Reference
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1. Switch to Layout mode and make sure the Inspector's Style tab is showing. Click
the Last Name field .
On the Inspector, of the three styles available, the field style is set to Default.
2. Click the First Name field .
It too shows that the Default style is selected, but the button just to the right of the
style name sports a red triangle, indicating that it's been customized.
3. Click the red triangle next to the style name .
FileMaker offers the choices shown in Figure 8-3 :
Save Changes to Current Style updates the default style to that of the selected
field, overwriting the old cheerless Default.
Save as New Style adds this new style as a choice within the current theme.
Revert Changes to Style discards the new design and dresses the field in the bor-
ing old Default style.
4. Choose “Save Changes to Current Style.”
The other five fields instantly change to match First Name, which is exactly what you
want. The Default style now reflects your changes, and you can continue to edit it
whenever you wish. For example, you can change the text style to bold.
Figure 8-3. The layout object is automatically saved, so you only need this menu if you
want to save that formatting as a style for reuse.
5. Click the Mobile field to select it. Make the text bold by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B
( -Shift-B) .
In the Inspector's Style tab you'll see that the Default style again has a red triangle.
You know the drill by now: click it and choose “Save Changes to Current Style.”
Once again, all the other fields using the Default style fall into line.
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