Database Reference
In-Depth Information
A picture can be in any of more than a dozen formats, including the common kinds like
JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PICT, and BMP (but not, alas, RAW or DNG). FileMaker will also
accept Photoshop (PSD) and PostScript (EPS) files. When you put a picture in a container
field by using the Insert→Picture command, the field displays the picture itself. But if you
use the Insert→File command, you'll just see a file icon and the file name.
Copy and Paste
The most obvious way to put a picture into a container field is to paste it in. You can copy a
picture from a graphics program, click once in the field and then choose Edit→Paste (Ctrl+V
or -V). If the picture doesn't show up on both Mac and PC platforms, delete the graphic
(click in the field and then press Delete). Check the graphic's format for cross-platform com-
patibility and then choose Insert→Picture instead of pasting.
You can also copy data from the container field back into another program. Again, simply
click once on the field and then choose Edit→Copy (Ctrl+C or -C) or Edit→Cut (Ctrl+X
or -X). Whatever was in the field is now ready to paste into another field, record, or pro-
Although you can't type text into a container field, you can paste in text in a pinch. You can't edit
the text once it's in the field, but you can copy it again or export it ( Exporting Field Contents ). Once
the text is back in a text field or a word processor, you can edit the text again.
Copy and paste is simple, but it sometimes doesn't work cross platform, plus it doesn't let
you store only a reference to the file. To get more control, use the Insert→Picture command.
Here's how:
1. Click in the Graphic field .
It's on the Container Field tab of the Lease Agreement layout in the sample database.
You've now entered the record, and the Graphic field is active.
2. Choose Insert Picture .
The Insert Picture dialog box appears. This window looks almost exactly like a typic-
al Open File dialog box in Windows or Mac OS X. You can use it to find the picture
you want to insert.
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