Database Reference
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Validation Options
Auto-enter options tell FileMaker to enter data for you. Validation options sort of do the op-
posite: They tell FileMaker what not to let you put in a field. You decide what kind of in-
formation should go there, and FileMaker warns you when you enter something that doesn't
look right.
In your sample database, you may want to make sure the Zip Code field always looks like a
real Zip code. (This example uses American 5-digit Zip codes. You'll need to adjust the val-
idation settings for your own country's postal codes.):
1. Go to File Manage Database, and in the Lease Agreement table, open the
Field Options dialog box for the Zip Code field .
Don't change the field from a text field to a number field. See the box on Numbers
and Text to learn why not.
2. Go to the Validation tab. Make sure that the “Allow user to override during data
entry” checkbox is turned on .
As you can see in Figure 6-5 , you have a lot of choices when it comes to field valida-
3. Turn on the “Strict data type” checkbox and then, from its pop-up menu, select
Numeric Only .
Even though you've formatted the field as a text field, you can use a validation setting
to accept only numerals in the field.
4. Click the “Maximum number of characters” checkbox and then type 5 .
You can do better than just require numbers. This option tells FileMaker to accept no
more than five digits in the Zip Code field.
5. Turn on the “Display custom message if validation fails” checkbox .
FileMaker automatically shows a message when a value in a field doesn't match the
validation settings, but it's often more considerate to give the message in your own
words. That's what this setting does.
6. In the text box below this checkbox, type The Zip code you entered doesn't look
correct. Are you sure that's what you really want? .
FileMaker displays this message if the validation fails. (For a little guidance on what
these messages should say, see the box on Validation Messages . )
7. Click OK until you're back on the Lease Agreement layout .
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