Database Reference
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like any other object. Currently, the chart displays all the records from the table, so if
you had hundreds of records, this chart wouldn't be very useful. But there's a quick
trick for making it show you just some of your records. As you might expect, the
solution is found in Layout Mode. All you need to do is put a field on the layout so
you can do a search to limit the number of records in the found set.
3. Switch to Layout mode, click the Field tool to select it and then drag to create a
field down in the gray area to the right of the chart .
If you've resized your chart and didn't resize the layout to match, there will be a light
gray area (the original dimensions of the chart) and a darker gray area. You need to
drag the field into the darker gray area.
Anything in the gray area doesn't appear when you're in Browse mode. When you re-
lease the mouse, the Specify Field window appears.
4. From the Specify Field window, choose Lease Duration, click OK and then
switch to Browse Mode .
The chart looks just like it did before, but now you have a way to change the records
you're viewing.
5. In the Quick Find field ( Figure 4-28 ) , type 36 and then press Enter .
FileMaker searches the only field on the layout (Lease Duration — even though it's
hidden in the grey area, the Quick Find features still knows it's there and can search
its contents) and finds the records with 36-month leases. The chart changes dynamic-
ally with the found set.
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