Database Reference
In-Depth Information
▪ First Name: Janette
▪ Last Name: Desautel
▪ Rental Fee: 1295
▪ Lease Duration: 12
Your new record is created right below your active record. When you commit the new re-
cord, it's sorted into the 12-month group, and the Count Leases field is updated immediately
in both the Subsummary and Grand Total parts. The same thing is true if you edit data in the
field on which the sort is based (remember that this report is always sorted by the Lease Dur-
ation field and then by Last Name and First Name). Change some data in a Lease Duration
field and then commit the record. It will sort into the proper group. If you add data that's not
in an existing group (say you type 48 in the Lease Duration field), a new group will be
formed with a Count of “1.”
Subsummary layouts show their summary data only when your records are sorted by the
field that's attached to the Subsummary part (explained on Summary Fields and Subsum-
mary Parts ) . So if you unsort your records, or do a sort that doesn't include the Subsummary
part's field (say you sorted by Last Name and First Name only), the groups and subtotals
don't show on the layout. To get them back, sort the records again, and this time, make sure
you include the proper field (in this case, it's Lease Duration) in the sort order.
Sorted subsummary reports are great for looking at trends in your data, but you probably wouldn't
usually use them as the primary way to add new records or edit existing ones. But on those occa-
sions when it's suitable (say the sorted report makes it clear that some data wasn't entered cor-
rectly), it's convenient that you don't have to leave the report layout to make corrections.
Creating a Trailing Group Report
The dynamic report you just created is perfect for printing out when you want to analyze
your data. Even if they don't want to print the report, your users can just switch to the Lease
Agreement Report layout and get an up-to-the-minute categorized report on your properties.
But what if they need a quick analysis of the data using a category that you haven't set up for
them? Do they have to wait until you have time to add a new report? Or maybe you need a
last-minute, one-time report that won't be printed (you don't even have time—there's a meet-
ing in 5 minutes and you've been told to get the data), so you don't want to bother creating a
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