Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Importing over Existing Data
When you import data into a file that already has some records in it, the Import Action sec-
tion of the Import Field Mapping dialog box ( Figure 21-12 ) gives you three ways to specify
how you want to deal with that existing data. Normally, it starts out with the “Add new re-
cords” setting turned on, meaning that FileMaker simply adds imported records to your data-
base. Sometimes, though, you want to update existing records instead. For example, suppose
your database holds shipping rates for every state you ship to. When your freight company
updates its rates, it sends you a new file with one record for each state, and the new rates in a
Rate field. If you add these records to your database, you end up with two records for each
state, which is probably not what you want. So FileMaker gives you two other choices that
let you update records as you import.
Update Existing Records in Found Set
To avoid creating duplicate records as in the shipping rates example, you can turn on “Up-
date existing records in found set” and then map just the Rate field to the appropriate field in
your table. When you import, FileMaker takes the rate from the first record in the import file
and puts it in the first record in the found set. It then copies the second rate into the second
record. This process continues until it has imported every rate.
If your import file has more records than the found set, FileMaker simply skips the extra re-
cords. If you'd rather import all the records (adding new records once all those in the found
set have been updated), then turn on “Add remaining data as new records.”
This import action is useful only if you're certain the records in the import file are in the same order
as those in the export file. If they're not, FileMaker updates the wrong records, leaving you with in-
correct data. If you aren't positive the records are in the right order, use “Update matching records in
found set” instead.
Update Matching Records in Found Set
“Update matching records in found set” works much the same way. When you import with
this action, FileMaker updates data in existing records by copying it from the import file.
This time, though, you get to tell FileMaker how to figure out which records in the import
file match each record in the found set. You tell FileMaker this by specifying one or more
matching fields , as described in Figure 21-18 .
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