Database Reference
In-Depth Information
If you typically work in several databases, open them all in the File Browser window the first time
you launch FileMaker Go. That seeds your Recent files list and makes it easier to find the file you
need next time.
iOS is fabulously popular, with hundreds of millions of devices sold since its debut in 2007. But just
as the Mac must share the computer pie with Windows, iOS has a rival in Google's Android mobile
operating system. Android, despite catching on later than iOS, holds a larger market share in the Un-
ited States at the time of this writing. So why doesn't this chapter tell you to grab a copy of
FileMaker Go for your 'droid? Because it doesn't exist. As software companies go, FileMaker Inc.
has been uncharacteristically candid on the topic. FMI doesn't intend to support any other mobile
platform. It's not inconceivable that FileMaker's status as a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple has
something to do with that, but the company has never publically stated the reasoning behind their
iOS-only policy.
There are other mobile options, but none of them are as good as FileMaker Go. Check the official
app store for your non-Apple device—some third-party apps may attempt to fill the void. Another
possibility is to pair a layout using a Touch theme ( Touch Themes ) with WebDirect to allow access
via almost any device's web browser. You can also install remote control software on a smartphone
or tablet and use it to control a desktop computer that has FileMaker Pro installed.
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