Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 20-1. Some FileMaker features work in FileMaker Go but not in WebDirect, and
vice versa. This table covers the major differences.
Not available.
Uses the browser's spell checker.
Importing Can only import records from one FileMaker data-
base to another.
Can import from FileMaker Pro, tab-separ-
ated text, comma-separated text, DBF,
merge, or Excel files.
Exporting Exports to TAB. CSV, DBF, merge, HTML table,
and Microsoft Excel XLSX (UTF-16) format.
Exports to tab-separated text, comma-sep-
arated text, dbf, merge, and HTML table
Printing Supports print, but print options set in FileMaker
Pro have no effect.
Relies on the browser's Print features.
Doesn't support highlight, superscript, and sub-
script conditional formatting options. Word under-
line appears as underline. Also doesn't support
strike-through, condense, extend, or small caps.
Highlight, superscript, and subscript condi-
tional formatting options. Word underline
appears as underline.
Link file
( Snapshot
Link )
Displayed in Browse mode, even when the link is
created in Preview mode.
Displayed in Browse mode, even when the
link is created in Preview mode.
and plug-
Doesn't support external functions or plug-ins.
WebDirect limits plug-ins to those designed
for the Web Publishing Engine (WPE). See
FileMaker Server Help for more informa-
tion on WPE compatible plug-ins.
Although you can design a Kiosk database ( Re-
move Admin Access from Files Permanently ) to
run in FileMaker Go, you can't navigate through
records by swiping with two fingers.
Doesn't support Runtime or Kiosk data-
Script steps are a special case. FileMaker Go and WebDirect don't recognize all script steps.
Some that work in Go don't work in a browser and vice versa. Fortunately the Edit Script
dialog box is ready to help. The Compatibility pop-up menu lets you see the scripts that
won't work or need special treatment. See Figure 20-1 .
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