Biology Reference
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Aphids with body and legs bearing long hairs, terminal
process of the antennae long, siphunculi pore-like or
stumpy, and cauda knob-like or rounded.
Chaitophorus beuthami (Börner) ( 136 )
Osier leaf aphid
A generally common pest of osier ( Salix viminalis ) and
other narrow-leaved willows; often present on
ornamental trees. Widely distributed in Europe.
Apterous female: 2.3 mm long; pale greenish,
relatively elongate and noticeably hairy; siphunculi
stumpy and slightly broadened at the tip; cauda knob-
shaped; young individuals more or less colourless.
Alate: similar to aptera, but with dark abdominal
136 Colony of osier leaf aphid ( Chaitophorus beuthami ) on
Salix viminalis .
C olonies develop from spring onwards. The aphids feed
and breed on the underside of the leaves. They often
occur in considerable numbers but usually do not infest
the young shoots. Although the aphids excrete
honeydew, upon which sooty moulds develop, they are
not particularly attractive to ants. By late summer,
colonies are often much depleted by predators.
Damage is unimportant, but heavily infested trees
become unsightly following the development of sooty
moulds on the aphid-excreted honeydew.
137 Colony of sallow leaf aphid ( Chaitophorus capreae ) on
Salix .
Chaitophorus capreae (Mosley) ( 137 )
Sallow leaf aphid
A widely distributed and very common species on eared
willow ( Salix aurita ), grey willow ( S. cinerea ), pussy
willow ( S. caprea ) and other broad-leaved willows. The
aphids are relatively small (less than 2 mm long), with
uninterrupted black abdominal markings; the nymphs
are mainly whitish. Colonies develop throughout the
summer on the underside of the leaves but have little or
no direct effect on their hosts.
Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch ( 138 )
Poplar leaf aphid
Infestations of this generally common species occur on
the underside of leaves and on the young shoots of black
poplar ( Populus nigra ) and Lombardy poplar ( P. nigra
' Italica ' ). However, they are not important pests.
Apterae (2.0-2.7 mm long) are dull greenish yellow,
with distinctive dark markings; nymphs are paler and
often brightly coloured.
138 Colony of poplar leaf aphid ( Chaitophorus leucomelas ).
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