Biology Reference
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prepupal Pertaining to the prepupa.
primordium ( pl . primordia ) Tissue at an early stage of
development that will eventually give rise to a
specific structure or organ.
prodorsal shield The more or less triangular shield-like
part of an eriophyid mite, which covers the
propodosoma and lies in front of the hysterosoma.
proleg A false, unjointed leg, as on the abdomen of a
pronotal Pertaining to the pronotum.
pronotum The often enlarged, shield-like dorsal
surface of the prothorax.
propodeum In certain Hymenoptera, the first part of the
abdomen located in front of the petiolus and
appearing to be part of the thorax, to which it is fused.
propodosoma The anterior part of the idiosoma of a
mite, bearing the first and second pairs of legs.
propupa ( pl. propupae ) The non-feeding stage in the
development of a thrips, between the final-instar
nymph and the pupa.
prothoracic Pertaining to the prothorax.
prothorax The first (anterior) segment of the thorax,
bearing the first pair of legs.
protogyne The summer female form of a deuterogenous
mite (cf. deutogyne).
protonymph The second-stage nymph of a mite.
pseudo-fundatrix ( pl . pseudo-fundatrices ) A similar
form to the fundatrix of certain aphids, but produced
parthenogenetically rather than arising from an
overwintered egg.
pseudo-gall A distortion, such as leaf curling, induced
by a phytophagous insect or other such organism.
pseudo-pupa A pupa-like stage in the development of
certain hemimetabolous insects, as in whiteflies.
pseudo-pupal Pertaining to a pseudo-pupa.
pterostigma A small pigmented area present near the
tip of an otherwise 'clear' wing of certain insects;
also known as a stigma.
pubescence A coating of fine, soft hairs.
pupa ( pl . pupae ) The pre-adult stage of a
holometabolous insect within which metamorphosis
to the adult form takes place.
pupal Pertaining to a pupa.
puparium ( pl . puparia ) In certain Diptera, a hardened,
barrel-shaped structure (formed from the cast skin of
the final-instar larva) within which the pupa is
pupation The act of becoming a pupa.
pygidium The dorsal surface of the last visible
abdominal segment.
radula The rasping 'tongue' of a mollusc.
reniform stigma A kidney-shaped marking on the fore
wing of certain moths (family Noctuidae).
reticulate Net-like.
rhizome A root-like stem, lying horizontally on or
beneath the soil surface and bearing buds, shoots and
rosaceous Pertaining to the plant family Rosaceae.
rostrum The beak or snout of an insect, as in the
piercing mouthparts of a true bug or the trunk-like
projection or snout at the front of the head of a
scape The basal segment of an insect antenna.
sclerite One of the hardened (sclerotized) plates which
form the body wall of an insect.
sclerotization The process whereby the cuticle is
hardened and tanned by the formation of the protein
Hardened and tanned by the protein
scutellum The third (hindmost) of the main dorsal
components of each of the three sections of the
thorax, but usually obvious only on the mesothorax.
seta ( pl . setae ) A small bristle.
siphuncular Pertaining to a siphunculus.
siphunculus ( pl . siphunculi ) One of a pair of cone-like
or tube-like structures (also known as cornicles) on
the abdomen of an aphid, through which alarm
pheromones and other defensive compounds are
sooty mould A black fungal growth that develops on
sp. ( pl . spp. ) Species.
species The basic unit of classification, being a group of
closely related organisms that can interbreed and
produce fertile offspring.
sternal spatula In many midge larvae, the so-called
'anchor process' or 'breast bone', a longish sclerite
on the underside of the first thoracic segment.
spatulate Spade-like.
spickel A gusset-like injury in the surface of tissue.
spinose Spiny.
spiracle One of several breathing pores or openings to
the tracheal (respiratory) system of an insect.
spiracular Pertaining to a spiracle or the spiracles.
ssp. Subspecies.
stellate Star-shaped.
sternal Pertaining to the sternum.
sternite A ventral sclerite on the abdomen of an insect.
Also, in an eriophyid mite, a ventral annulation on
the hysterosoma.
sternum The ventral section of a body segment.
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