Biology Reference
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unfurling leaves. The larvae feed mainly at night, young
individuals hiding during the day in the shelter of young
blossom trusses and partially unfurled leaves. Larvae
are fully grown in about six weeks, usually in June.
They then enter the soil to pupate in flimsy silken
cocoons formed a few centimetres below the surface.
Adults emerge in the following spring.
striped with white or whitish yellow) sometimes cause
minor damage to ornamentals. They feed from April to
June. The pale purplish-brown to reddish-brown adults
(32-34 mm wingspan) are readily distinguished from
other species of the genus by the characteristic
brownish-black mark on each fore wing. They occur in
greatest numbers in March and April.
Orthosia gracilis (Denis & Schiffermüller)
( 908-909 )
Powdered quaker moth
Generally common in association with trees, shrubs and
herbaceous plants; sometimes a minor pest in gardens
and nurseries. Adults (35-40 mm wingspan) have
whitish-beige fore wings, each more or less tinged with
grey, and marked with a few black dots and a pale
yellowish or pinkish submarginal line. They occur in
late April and May, rather later than other members of
the genus. Eggs are laid in untidy batches on twigs or
senescent foliage, and hatch about ten days later. The
larvae, which feed from May to July, cause slight
defoliation and also injure buds and flowers. Fully
The larvae cause extensive defoliation and also damage
buds and flowers. On rose, the larvae feed on the outer
tissue and also burrow into the centre of the blooms.
Orthosia gothica (Linnaeus) ( 906-907 )
Hebrew character moth
Larvae of this widely distributed and often abundant
species are polyphagous on trees and shrubs, including
birch ( Betula ), broom ( Cytisus ), hawthorn ( Crataegus ),
lime ( Tilia ), oak ( Quercus ), poplar ( Populus ), pussy
willow ( Salix caprea ) and Sorbus ; they also attack
herbaceous plants. Although occurring mainly on wild
hosts, individuals (which are up to 35 mm long, green,
906 Larva of Hebrew character moth ( Orthosia gothica ).
907 Hebrew character moth ( Orthosia gothica ).
908 Powdered quaker moth ( Orthosia gracilis ).
909 Larva of powdered quaker moth ( Orthosia gracilis ).
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