Biology Reference
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Phyllonorycter leucographella (Zeller)
( 534-535 )
Firethorn leaf miner moth
A common pest of firethorn ( Pyracantha ), but native to
Mediterranean areas where it is associated with spiny
broom ( Calicotome spinosa ). In recent years this insect
has greatly extended its range into more northern parts
of Europe, including Austria, Britain, France, Germany,
the Netherlands and Switzerland. Adults (8-9 mm
wingspan) are mainly yellowish orange, the fore wings
each marked with distinctive white striae. They occur
from May to June and from August to mid-September.
The larvae mine within the leaves, each forming a large,
silvery blotch on the upper surface along the midrib. On
firethorn the leaf mine often extends over the whole of
the upper surface, affected leaves eventually folding
longitudinally at the completion of larval development.
Mines also occur on other rosaceous plants, including
Chaenomeles , Cotoneaster , crab-apple ( Malus ),
flowering cherry ( Prunus ), hawthorn ( Crataegus ) and
Sorbus growing in the immediate vicinity of infested
firethorn bushes; however, mines on such hosts tend to
split open and larval development is then aborted. The
larvae occur during the summer and from September
onwards; they continue to feed throughout the winter,
except in very cold weather, but are unable to survive in
fallen leaves. Badly affected leaves tend to drop during
the spring and summer, and persistent attacks on bushes
lead to noticeable defoliation.
534 Mine of firethorn leaf miner moth ( Phyllonorycter
leucographella ) on Pyracantha .
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae (Frey) ( 536 )
Generally common on hawthorn ( Crataegus ), the larvae
forming blotch mines on the underside of the leaves.
The mines occur most frequently on the leaf lobes
closest to the stalk, and cause considerable distortion of
the leaf blade. Infestations are often present on nursery
stock but do not affect plant growth. The larvae are pale
yellowish green; they feed in July and from September
to October. Adults (6-8 mm wingspan) occur in May
and August; the fore wings are yellowish brown,
marked with dark brown scales and white striae.
535 Firethorn leaf miner moth ( Phyllonorycter leucographella )
damage on Pyracantha .
536 Mine of Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae in leaf of Crataegus .
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