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So we could use delegation to return the RSSChannel from the store, but here we run
into another problem. BNRFeedStore is a singleton, so delegation won't work. Multiple
controllers may want to make requests to the BNRFeedStore at the same time, but only
one can be the delegate.
This is where blocks come in handy. ListViewController can make a request and
supply a block to be called when the request is complete. The store will execute this block
with the newly fetched RSSChannel as an argument. The block's code will set the
channel of the ListViewController and reload the UITableView . In
BNRFeedStore.h , declare a new method and forward declare RSSChannel .
@class RSSChannel;
@interface BNRFeedStore : NSObject
+ (BNRFeedStore *)sharedStore;
- (void)fetchRSSFeedWithCompletion:(void (^)(RSSChannel *obj, NSError
When a controller wants the RSS feed, it will send the message
fetchRSSFeedWithCompletion: to BNRFeedStore . This is a very simple re-
quest for the controller, but a fairly complicated one for the BNRFeedStore . The con-
troller doesn't care, though, how the RSS feed is fetched, only that it is fetched. The com-
plications are the responsibility of the store object.
Take a look at the form of the block that will be called when the request finishes. It takes
two arguments: a pointer to an RSSChannel and a pointer to an NSError object. If the
request was a success, the RSSChannel will be passed as an argument, and the NSEr-
ror will be nil . If there was a problem, an instance of NSError will be passed as an
argument, and the RSSChannel will be nil .
Let's hold off on the implementation of fetchRSSFeedWithCompletion: for now
and just implement it with an empty body in BNRFeedStore.m .
- (void)fetchRSSFeedWithCompletion:(void (^)(RSSChannel *obj, NSError *err))block
// We'll fill this out later
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