Graphics Programs Reference
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The Need for Stores
Many applications (and especially mobile applications) make use of external sources of
data. External sources of data include web servers, databases, the filesystem, location hard-
ware, the camera, etc. Basically, it's anything that is not already in memory.
If your application interfaces with an external source of data, then Model-View-Controller-
Store is a better approach than Model-View-Controller.
To explain why, first, let's define a term: request logic is code that fetches things from an
external source. Examples of request logic are creating an NSFetchRequest in Core
Data, preparing an NSURLRequest for NSURLConnection , and loading a file with
NSKeyedUnarchiver . Request logic is typically long, complicated, and full of source-
specific details.
In MVC, request logic is the responsibility of controller objects ( Figure 28.1 ). However,
this is not a good solution. Including request logic in a controller muddies up the class and
makes it harder to see how the controller is managing the flow of the application and co-
ordinating the application's model and view objects.
Figure 28.1 Standard MVC
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