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variable or use a strong property, the block is copied to the heap for you if it is not already
there. However, we still like to use copy for all of our block properties because it makes
us feel in charge and all warm inside.
Now, you might be wondering, “If they didn't tell me that blocks are automatically copied
when using a strong property, how would I ever know that?” Well, when ARC first came
out there was a little chatter in the release notes about it. However, the documentation
wasn't updated (and as of this writing, still isn't updated) to reflect this special block
copying procedure. But the neat thing about blocks is that they are a feature of the
Objective-C language, which is not owned by anyone. Thus, you can look at the source
for the Objective-C language. Apple maintains their version of Objective-C and a number
of other open source libraries at .
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