Graphics Programs Reference
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Combining two messages in a single line of code is called a nested message send . The in-
nermost brackets are evaluated first, so the message alloc is sent to the class Party
first. This returns a new, uninitialized instance of Party that is then sent the message
init .
Sending messages
What do you do with an instance that has been initialized? You send it more messages.
Let's take a closer look at message anatomy. First of all, a message is always contained in
square brackets. Within a pair of square brackets, a message has three parts:
a pointer to the object being asked to execute a method
the name of the method to be executed
the values to be supplied as the parameters to the method
A party might have a list of attendees that you can add to by sending the party the mes-
sage addAttendee: .
[partyInstance addAttendee:somePerson];
Sending the addAttendee: message to partyInstance (the receiver) triggers the
addAttendee: method (named by the selector) and passes in somePerson (an argu-
The addAttendee: message has only one argument, but Objective-C methods can take
a number of arguments or none at all. The message init , for instance, has no arguments.
An attendee to a party might RSVP with an edible item. Thus, a party may have another
method named addAttendee:withDish: . This message takes two arguments: the at-
tendee and the dish the attendee plans to bring. Each argument is paired with a label in the
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