Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
At times, you will need to make a string “URL-safe.” For example, space characters and
quotes are not allowed in URLs; They must be replaced with escape-sequences. Here is
how that is done.
NSString *search = @"Play some \"Abba\"";
NSString *escaped =
[search stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// escaped is now "Play%20some%20%22Abba%22"
When the request to the Big Nerd Ranch forums is processed, the server will return XML
data that contains the last 20 posts. The ListViewController , who made the re-
quest, will populate its table view with the titles of the posts.
In ListViewController.h , add an instance variable for the connection and one for
the data that is returned from that connection. Also add a new method declaration.
@interface ListViewController : UITableViewController
NSURLConnection *connection;
NSMutableData *xmlData;
- (void)fetchEntries;
Working with NSURLConnection
An NSURLConnection instance can communicate with a web server either synchron-
ously or asynchronously. Because passing data to and from a remote server can take some
time, synchronous connections are generally frowned upon because they stall your applic-
ation until the connection completes. This chapter will teach you how to perform an asyn-
chronous connection with NSURLConnection .
When an instance of NSURLConnection is created, it needs to know the location of the
web application and the data to pass to that web server. It also needs a delegate. When told
to start communicating with the web server, NSURLConnection will initiate a connec-
tion to the location, begin passing it data, and possibly receive data back. It will update its
delegate each step of the way with useful information.
In ListViewController.m , implement the fetchEntries method to create an
NSURLRequest that connects to and asks
for the last 20 posts in RSS 2.0 format. Then, create an NSURLConnection that trans-
fers this request to the server.
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