Graphics Programs Reference
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In addition to the UINavigationController object you asked for, the storyboard
took the liberty of creating three other objects: the view of the navigation controller, a
UIViewController , and the view of the UIViewController . In addition, the
UIViewController has been made the root view controller of the navigation control-
The two view controller instances are represented by the black bars on the canvas, and
their views are shown above them. You configure the view the same as you would in a
normal XIB file. To configure the view controller itself, you select the black bar.
Before we go any further, we need to tell our application about this storyboard file. Select
the Storytime project from the project navigator. Then, select the Storytime target and the
Summary tab. Locate the Main Storyboard field and enter Storytime ( Figure 24.5 ) . This
tells Storytime to load the Storytime.storyboard file when the application
Figure 24.5 Setting the main storyboard
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