Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Core Animation Layer
Animation is a hallmark of the iOS interface. When used properly, it gives the user visual
cues about the application's workflow. The classes and functions needed to animate an ap-
plication's interface are in the Core Animation API. To use any part of Core Animation,
you need to add the QuartzCore framework to your project.
Open your HypnoTime project and select the project from the project navigator. Then, se-
lect the HypnoTime target and the Build Phases pane. Add QuartzCore.framework to
Link Binary With Libraries , as shown in Figure 22.1 .
Figure 22.1 QuartzCore.framework
There are two classes that make Core Animation work: CALayer and CAAnimation .
At its core, an instance of CALayer is a buffer containing a bitmap. When you draw a lay-
er (or a stack of layers), the rendering is hardware-accelerated. This makes drawing a layer
to the screen incredibly fast. Like views, layers are arranged hierarchically - each layer can
have sublayers.
A CAAnimation object causes a change over time. Typically, it changes one property
(like opacity ) of a layer.
In this chapter, we will focus on CALayer , and in the next chapter, we'll focus on CAAn-
imation .
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