Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Build Settings
Every target includes build settings that describe how it should be built. Every project also
has build settings that serve as defaults for all the targets within the project. Let's take a
look at the project build settings for TouchTracker . Select the project from the project nav-
igator and then select the TouchTracker project in the editor area.
Click the Build Settings tab at the top of the editor area. These are the project-level build
settings - the default values that targets inherit. In the top-right corner of the editor area is a
search box that you can use to search for a specific setting. Start typing iOS Deploy-
ment Target in the box, and the list will adjust to show this setting. (The deployment
target specifies the lowest version of the OS that can run the application.)
Next to the search box are two sets of options: Basic or All and Combined and Levels . The
first pair determines which settings are shown. To see the difference between the second
pair, let's look at the target's build settings.
In the left table of the editor area, select the TouchTracker target. Then select the Build Set-
tings tab. These are the build settings for this specific target. Find the iOS Deployment Tar-
get setting again and click on Levels .
Figure 21.25 Build Settings - Levels
When viewing the build settings with this option, you can see each setting's value at the
three different levels: OS, project, and target. ( Figure 21.25 ). The far right column shows
the iOS Default settings; these serve as the project's defaults, which it can override. The
next column to the left shows the project's settings, and the one after that shows the cur-
rently selected target's settings. The Resolved column shows which setting will actually be
used; it is always be equal to the left-most specified value. You can click in each column to
set the value for that level. When you're done looking around, change the setting back to
Combined .
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Custom Search