Graphics Programs Reference
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Static Analyzer
When you build an application, you can ask Xcode to analyze your code. The static analyz-
er then makes educated guesses about what would happen if that code were to be executed
and informs you of potential problems. It does this without executing the code.
When the static analyzer checks the code, it examines each function and method individu-
ally by iterating over every possible code path . A method can have a number of control
statements ( if , for , switch , etc.). The conditions of these statements will dictate which
code is actually executed. A code path is one of the possible paths the code will take given
these control statements. For example, a method that has a single if statement has two
code paths: one if the condition fails and one if the condition succeeds.
Open TouchTracker.xcodeproj .
Right now, TouchTracker doesn't have any code that offends the static analyzer. So, we
will introduce some code that does. In TouchDrawView.m , implement the following
- (int)numberOfLines
int count;
// Check that they are non-nil before we add their counts...
if (linesInProcess && completeLines)
count = [linesInProcess count] + [completeLines count];
return count;
To start the static analyzer, click and hold the Run button in the top-left corner of the work-
space. In the pop-up window that appears, choose Analyze ( Figure 21.1 ). Alternatively,
you can use the keyboard shortcut: Command-Shift-B.
Figure 21.1 Using the static analyzer
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