Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Updating Whereami
Every MKMapView has a mapType property that specifies whether it shows roads, satel-
lite imagery, or both. You will allow the user to change this property by adding a UISeg-
mentedControl that toggles the map type. The user's choice will be saved as a prefer-
ence, and the next time the application is launched, the preferred type of map will be dis-
Open the Whereami project. Then open WhereamiViewController.xib and add a
UISegmentedControl to the interface. Change its style and number of segments to
what is shown in Figure 18.1 .
Figure 18.1 UISegmentedControl attributes
Make an outlet and an action connection between this object and the Wheream-
iViewController ( Figure 18.2 ). The outlet will be a weak instance variable.
Figure 18.2 Adding to Whereami's interface
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