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that this file can be localized, automatically creates en.lproj , and moves the De-
tailViewController.xib file to it.
Click the + button again and select Spanish . This creates an es.lproj folder and adds a
copy of DetailViewController.xib to it. The file inspector should look like Fig-
ure 17.2 .
Figure 17.2 Localizing DetailViewController.xib
Back in Xcode , look in the project navigator. Click the disclosure button next to De-
tailViewController.xib ( Figure 17.3 ) and then Control-click on each of these
XIB files and select Show in Finder to show that file in its lproj directory. Keep these
windows open; you'll need them shortly.
Figure 17.3 Localized XIB in the project navigator
In the project navigator, click the Spanish version of DetailViewController.xib .
When this file opens, the text is not in Spanish. You have to translate localized files your-
self; Xcode isn't that smart.
One option is to manually edit each string in this XIB file in Xcode . However, this ap-
proach does not scale well if you're planning multiple localizations. What happens when
you add a new label or button to your localized XIB? You have to add this view to the
XIB for every language. This is not fun.
Instead, you can use a command-line tool named ibtool to suck the strings from your nat-
ive language XIB file into a file. Then, you can translate these strings and create a new
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