Graphics Programs Reference
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Now, whenever the button overlaid on the thumbnail is tapped, ItemsViewControl-
ler will be sent showImage:atIndexPath: . The first argument is a pointer to the
button that sent the original showImage: message, and the second argument is the
NSIndexPath of the cell that this button is on. At least that is what should happen. Un-
fortunately, HomepwnerItemCell doesn't know the details of ItemsViewCon-
troller . Thus, it doesn't know that ItemsViewController implements
showImage:atIndexPath: , and this code will generate an error.
One approach would be to import ItemsViewController.h into Homepwner-
ItemCell.m . However, this creates a dependency between HomepwnerItemCell
and ItemsViewController and HomepwnerItemCell could not be used with any
other view controller. Let's take a different approach that will keep the two classes separ-
ate and give us some flexibility down the road.
Objective-C selector magic
We can use the flexible power of Objective-C's runtime messaging to generalize the im-
plementation of showImage: . Instead of explicitly sending
showImage:atIndexPath: to the controller when showImage: is called, we are
going to send the message performSelector:withObject:withObject: . This
method takes a SEL that is the selector of the message to be sent, and the next two argu-
ments are the arguments to be passed in that message (in order). The controller then
searches for the method whose name matches the passed-in selector and executes it.
This is an interesting way of doing things, but we'll see why it is useful in a moment.
First, remember that a selector is just the name of a message. You can turn a selector into
a string, and you can turn a string back into a selector. In between these two steps, you can
modify the string that becomes the selector. This is what you will do for Homepwner-
ItemCell - when it is sent the message showImage: , it will get that selector, append
atIndexPath: to it, and send the new selector to its controller in performSelect-
or:withObject:withObject: . The two arguments will be the sender of
showImage: and the cell's index path.
In HomepwnerItemCell.m , modify the implementation of showImage: to construct
the selector and send this information to the controller.
- (IBAction)showImage:(id)sender
// Get this name of this method, "showImage:"
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