Graphics Programs Reference
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Relaying Actions from UITableViewCells
Sometimes, it is useful to add a UIControl or one of its subclasses, like a UIButton , to
a UITableViewCell . For instance, we want users to be able to tap the thumbnail image
in a cell and see a full-size image for that item. In this section, we'll do that by adding a
clear button on top of the thumbnail. Tapping this button will show the full-size image in a
UIPopoverController when the application is running on an iPad.
Open HomepwnerItemCell.xib and drag a UIButton on top of the UIImageView
that is already there. Resize this button to match the exact width and height of the
UIImageView .
Then, Option-click on HomepwnerItemCell.h to open it in the assistant editor.
Control-drag from the button to the method area of this file and configure this connection
as shown in Figure 15.9 .
Figure 15.9 Button connection
This connection will add the following code to HomepwnerItemCell.h .
- (IBAction)showImage:(id)sender;
Obviously, we don't want this button to obscure the image underneath it. In the attributes
inspector, change the button's type to Custom ( Figure 15.10 ).
Figure 15.10 Setting a UIButton's type
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Custom Search