Graphics Programs Reference
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image and set it as its thumbnailData . The thumbnailData will be archived with
the BNRItem , and every time it is loaded from an archive, it will recreate its thumb-
nail from this data.
In BNRItem.m , create a getter method for thumbnail that will create it from the data
if necessary:
- (UIImage *)thumbnail
// If there is no thumbnailData, then I have no thumbnail to return
if (!thumbnailData) {
return nil;
// If I have not yet created my thumbnail image from my data, do so now
if (!thumbnail) {
// Create the image from the data
thumbnail = [UIImage imageWithData:thumbnailData];
return thumbnail;
Now let's turn to the setThumbnailDataFromImage: method. This method will
take a full-sized image, create a smaller representation of it in an offscreen context object,
and set the thumbnail pointer to the image produced by the offscreen context.
iOS provides a convenient suite of functions to create offscreen contexts and produce im-
ages from them. To create an offscreen image context, you use the function UIGraph-
icsBeginImageContextWithOptions . This function accepts a CGSize structure
that specifies the width and height of the image context, a scaling factor, and whether the
image should be opaque. When this function is called, a new CGContextRef is created
and becomes the current context.
To draw to a CGContextRef , you use Core Graphics, just as though you were imple-
menting a drawRect: method for a UIView subclass. To get a UIImage from the
context after it has been drawn, you call the function UIGraphic-
sGetImageFromCurrentImageContext .
Once you have produced an image from an image context, you must clean up the context
with the function UIGraphicsEndImageContext .
In BNRItem.m , implement the following methods to create a thumbnail using an off-
screen context.
- (void)setThumbnailDataFromImage:(UIImage *)image
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