Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Image Manipulation
To display an image within a cell, you could just resize the large image of the item from the
image store. However, doing so would incur a performance penalty because a large number
of bytes would need to be read, filtered, and resized to fit within the cell. A better idea is to
create and use a thumbnail of the image instead.
To create a thumbnail of a BNRItem image, you are going to draw a scaled-down version
of the full image to an offscreen context and keep a pointer to that new image inside a
BNRItem instance. You also need a place to store this thumbnail image so that it can be re-
loaded when the application launches again.
In Chapter 12 , we put the full-sized images in the BNRImageStore so that they can be
flushed if necessary. However, the thumbnail images will be small enough that we can
archive them with the other BNRItem instance variables.
Big problem, though: the thumbnail will be an instance of UIImage . UIImage doesn't
conform to the NSCoding protocol, so you can't encode the thumbnail directly in an
NSCoder . What you can do is encode the thumbnail as data (PNG format) and wrap it in
an NSData object, which does conform to NSCoding .
Open BNRItem.h . Declare two new properties: a UIImage and an NSData . You will
also want a method to turn a full-sized image into a thumbnail.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *imageKey;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *thumbnail;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSData *thumbnailData;
- (void)setThumbnailDataFromImage:(UIImage *)image;
Synthesize these properties in BNRItem.m . You will eventually override the default setter
and getter methods for these properties, but synthesizing automatically generates the two
instances variables you need.
@implementation BNRItem
@synthesize thumbnail, thumbnailData;
When an image is chosen for this BNRItem , you will give that image to the BNRItem . It
will chop it down to a much smaller size and then keep that smaller-sized image as its
thumbnail . It will also create an NSData object that is the PNG representation of that
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