Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 15.8 HomepwnerItemCell in action
Let's go back to the UINib class you used when loading HomepwnerItemCell.xib .
An instance of UINib knows how to read a XIB file. (Remember, XIB and NIB are used
interchangeably; technically, an application loads NIBs, but we work with XIBs, so it's
easier to call them that.)
An instance of UINib is created with the contents of a XIB file. It loads the data in that
file and holds on to it as long as it lives. When it is sent the message instanti-
ateWithOwner:options: , the UINib parses that data: all of the archived objects
come alive, and all of the connections are established. (The object passed as the first argu-
ment is the File's Owner .)
In Chapter 10 , you loaded a XIB file by sending the message
loadNibNamed:owner:options: to the main NSBundle without ever using
UINib . Well, loadNibNamed:owner:options: uses UINib under the hood. It
creates an instance of UINib and sends it the message instantiateWithOwn-
er:options: , relaying the options and owner arguments.
Both of these methods return an NSArray . This array contains all of the top-level objects
in the XIB file (the ones that aren't under a disclosure tab in the outline view of the XIB).
When you register a XIB file with a table view, it scans this array for an instance of UIT-
ableViewCell or a subclass of it and returns it to your data source.
Since the table view just scans the XIB file for a UITableViewCell , it is important
that you only put one instance of UITableViewCell in a XIB file used for this pur-
pose. Otherwise, the table view will get confused and throw an exception.
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