Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Making Connections
A connection lets one object know where another object is in memory so that the two ob-
jects can work together. When the Quiz application loads QuizViewController.xib ,
the view objects that make up the interface and the QuizViewController have no idea
how to reach each other. The QuizViewController needs to know where the labels
are in memory so that it can tell them what to display. The buttons need to know where the
QuizViewController is so that they can report when they are tapped. Your objects
need connections .
Figure 1.13 shows the connections for Quiz . Some have already been made by the template
(between the view outlet of QuizViewController and the UIView instance, for ex-
ample), and some were made implicitly (dragging objects onto the view object in the XIB
file set up connections between the view and the buttons and labels). However, you still
have a few more connections to make to get your objects communicating properly.
Figure 1.13 Current connections and needed connections
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