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NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver
You now have a place to save data on the filesystem and a model object that can be saved
to the filesystem. The final two questions we must answer are: how do we kick off the sav-
ing and loading processes and when do we do it? To save BNRItem s, you will use the
class NSKeyedArchiver when the application “exits.”
In BNRItemStore.h , declare a new method.
- (BOOL)saveChanges;
Implement this method in BNRItemStore.m to send the message archiveRootOb-
ject:toFile: to the NSKeyedArchiver class.
- (BOOL)saveChanges
// returns success or failure
NSString *path = [self itemArchivePath];
return [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:allItems
The archiveRootObject:toFile: method takes care of saving every single
BNRItem in allItems to the itemArchivePath . Yes, it is that simple. Here's how it
The method begins by creating an instance of NSKeyedArchiver . Then, it sends the
message encodeWithCoder: to the root object (in our case, allItems ).
NSKeyedArchiver is a subclass of NSCoder , so we can pass this new instance of
NSKeyedArchiver as the argument to encodeWithCoder: .
The allItems array then sends encodeWithCoder: to all of the objects it contains,
passing the same NSKeyedArchiver . The contents of this array - a bunch of
BNRItem s - then encode their instance variables into the very same NSKeyedArchiver
( Figure 14.3 ). Once all of these objects have been encoded, the NSKeyedArchiver
writes the data it collected to the path .
Figure 14.3 Archiving an array
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