Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The first three ancestor-accessing properties of UIViewController are naviga-
tionController , tabBarController , and splitViewController . When a
view controller is sent one of these messages, it starts traversing the family tree until it
finds the appropriate type of view controller container. If there is no ancestor of the appro-
priate type, these methods return nil .
Additionally, every UIViewController has a parentViewController property.
This property holds the closest view controller ancestor in the family. Thus, it could return
a UINavigationController , UITabBarController , or a
UISplitViewController depending on the makeup of the family tree.
Presenting-presenter relationships
The other kind of relationship is a presenting-presenter relationship, which occurs when a
view controller is presented modally. When a view controller is presented modally, its
view is added on top of the view controller's view that presented it. This is different
than a view controller container, which intentionally keeps a spot open on its interface to
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