Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The Cancel button has a little bit more going on. When the user taps the button on the
ItemsViewController to add a new item to the list, a new instance of BNRItem is
created, added to the store, and then the DetailViewController slides up to edit
this new item. If the user cancels the item's creation, then that BNRItem needs to be re-
moved from the store. At the top of DetailViewController.m , import the header
for BNRItemStore .
#import "DetailViewController.h"
#import "BNRItem.h"
#import "BNRImageStore.h"
#import "BNRItemStore.h"
@implementation DetailViewController
Now implement the action method for the Cancel button in DetailViewControl-
ler.m .
- (void)cancel:(id)sender
// If the user cancelled, then remove the BNRItem from the store
[[BNRItemStore sharedStore] removeItem:item];
[[self presentingViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES
Build and run the application. Create a new item and tap the Cancel button. The instance
of DetailViewController will slide off the screen, and nothing will be added to the
table view. Then, create a new item and tap the Done button. The DetailViewCon-
troller will slide off the screen, and your new BNRItem will appear in the table view.
Note that the cancel: and save: methods are not declared anywhere. This is okay. Re-
member that declaring a method lets the compiler know that the method exists. For most
methods, the compiler will give you an error when you try to send a message whose meth-
od has not been declared. However, when setting the action of a UIBarButtonItem or
UIControl , the compiler does not validate the action message because it isn't being
called at that point. Instead, the message is validated at runtime when it is actually sent. If
the method is defined, all goes well; if not, you get an unrecognized selector exception.
There is one final note to make. We've said that the ItemsViewController presents
the DetailViewController modally. This is true in spirit, but the actual relation-
ships are more complicated than that. The DetailViewController 's present-
ingViewController is really the UINavigationController that has the
ItemsViewController on its stack. You can tell this the case because when the De-
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