Graphics Programs Reference
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view of the view controller that presented it is not. In our case, the low-memory warning
destroys DetailViewController 's view , and the imageView is no longer avail-
able when we try to set it.
To get around this problem, we must create a separate store for images. Instead of putting
the image directly into the imageView , we will put it into this store. Then when the De-
tailViewController 's view next appears on screen, we'll have the De-
tailViewController grab the image from the image store and put it into its own
imageView . In general, this is a best practice: a view controller should re-populate its
view 's subviews with data whenever it is sent the message viewWillAppear: to
eliminate the possibility that a low-memory warning could wipe out its content.
Creating BNRImageStore
The image store will hold all the pictures the user will take. In Chapter 14 , you will have
the BNRItem objects write out their instance variables to a file, which will then be read
in when the application starts. However, as we've seen, images tend to be very large, so
it's a good idea to keep them separate from other data. The image store will fetch and
cache the images as they are needed. It will also be able to flush the cache if the device
runs low on memory. Create a new NSObject subclass called BNRImageStore . Open
BNRImageStore.h and create its interface:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface BNRImageStore : NSObject
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ (BNRImageStore *)sharedStore;
- (void)setImage:(UIImage *)i forKey:(NSString *)s;
- (UIImage *)imageForKey:(NSString *)s;
- (void)deleteImageForKey:(NSString *)s;
Like the BNRItemStore , the BNRImageStore needs to be a singleton. In
BNRImageStore.m , write the following code to ensure BNRImageStore 's singleton
@implementation BNRImageStore
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return [self sharedStore];
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