Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera - The user will take a
new picture.
UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary - The user
will be prompted to select an album and then a photo from that album.
UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum - The
user picks from the most recently taken photos.
Figure 12.8 shows the results of using each constant.
Figure 12.8 UIImagePickerControllerTypes
The first source type, UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera , won't
work on a device that doesn't have a camera. So before using this type, you have to check
for a camera by sending the message isSourceTypeAvailable: to the
UIImagePickerController class. Sending this message to UIImagePicker-
Controller with one of the source type constants returns a Boolean value for whether
the device supports that source type.
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