Graphics Programs Reference
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When your application presents multiple screens of information, UINavigationCon-
troller maintains a stack of those screens. Each screen is the view of a UIViewCon-
troller , and the stack is an array of view controllers. When a UIViewController is
on top of the stack, its view is visible.
When you initialize an instance of UINavigationController , you give it one
UIViewController . This UIViewController is the navigation controller's root
view controller . The root view controller is always on the bottom of the stack. More view
controllers can be pushed on top of the UINavigationController 's stack while the
application is running. This ability to add to the stack at runtime is missing from UIT-
abBarController , which gets all of its view controllers when it is initialized. With a
navigation controller, only the root view controller is guaranteed to always be in the stack.
When a UIViewController is pushed onto the stack, its view slides onto the screen
from the right. When the stack is popped, the top view controller is removed from the
stack, and the view of the one below it slides onto the screen from the left.
Figure 11.2 shows a navigation controller with two view controllers: a root view controller
and an additional view controller above it at the top of the stack. The view of the addition-
al view controller is what the user sees because that view controller is at the top of the
Figure 11.2 UINavigationController's stack
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