Graphics Programs Reference
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When a view is autorotated, it changes its size (the width becomes the height and vice
versa). This is why the mask is called an auto resizing mask. Another time a view's size
must change is when the size of the device does. For instance, if HeavyRotation was a
universal application (that runs on both the iPad and iPhone device families), then the in-
terface for the iPad version would have to fit the larger screen size.
When a universal application launches on the iPad, the window is resized to fit the larger
screen. Thus, the subview of the window (the view controller's view ) and its subviews
are also resized. The autoresizing masks will do the same job here as they do when rotat-
ing the device to preserve the interface of the application.
Let's make HeavyRotation a universal application to see this happen. Select the project
from the project navigator. Then, select the HeavyRotation target from the editor area.
Select Universal from the Device Family pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 8.9 .
Figure 8.9 Universalizing HeavyRotation
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