Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Notifications are instances of NSNotification . Every NSNotification object has
a name and a pointer back to the object that posted it. When you register as an observer,
you can specify a notification name, a posting object, and the message you want to sent to
you when a qualifying notification is posted.
The following snippet of code registers you for notifications named LostDog that have
been posted by any object. When an object posts a LostDog notification, you'll be sent
the message retrieveDog: .
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self // The object self will be sent
selector:@selector(retrieveDog:) // retrieveDog:
// when @"LostDog" is posted
// by any object .
Note that nil works as a wildcard in the notification center world. You can pass nil as
the name argument, which will give you every notification regardless of its name. If you
pass nil for the notification name and the posting object, you will get every notification.
The method that is triggered when the notification arrives takes an NSNotification
object as the argument:
- (void)retrieveDog:(NSNotification *)note
id poster = [note object];
NSString *name = [note name];
NSDictionary *extraInformation = [note userInfo];
Notice that the notification object may have a userInfo dictionary attached to it. This
dictionary is used to pass additional information, like a description of the dog that was
found. Here's an example of an object posting a notification with a userInfo dictionary
NSDictionary *extraInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"Fido"
NSNotification *note = [NSNotification notificationWithName:@"LostDog"
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:note];
For a (real-world) example, when a keyboard is coming onto the screen, it posts a
UIKeyboardDidShowNotification that has a userInfo dictionary. This dic-
tionary contains the on-screen region that the newly visible keyboard occupies.
This is important: the notification center keeps strong references to its observers. If the
object doesn't remove itself as an observer before it is destroyed, then the next time a no-
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