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For the More Curious: The main Function and
A C application begins by executing a main function. An Objective-C application is no
different, but we haven't seen main in any of our iOS applications. Let's take a look now.
Open main.m in the HypnoTime project navigator. It looks like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,
nil, NSStringFromClass([HypnoAppDelegate class]));
The function UIApplicationMain creates an instance of a class called UIApplica-
tion . For every application, there is a single UIApplication instance. This object is
responsible for maintaining the run loop. Once the application object is created, its run loop
essentially becomes an infinite loop: the executing thread will never return to main .
Another thing the function UIApplicationMain does is create an instance of the class
that will serve as the UIApplication 's delegate . Notice that the final argument to
the UIApplicationMain function is an NSString that is the name of the delegate's
class. So, this function will create an instance of HypnoAppDelegate and set it as the
delegate of the UIApplication object. (Where does the Hypno in HypnoAp-
pDelegate come from? It's what you entered for the class prefix when creating this pro-
Right before the run loop begins accepting events, the application sends a message to its
delegate saying, “Get ready because here we go!” This message is applica-
tion:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: . You implemented this method in
HypnoAppDelegate.m to create the window and the controller objects used in this ap-
Every iOS application follows this pattern. If you're still curious, go back and check the
main.m files in the Quiz and Whereami applications you wrote earlier.
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