Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
multi-line editing: a text view's return key enters the newline character whereas a text
field's return key dispatches the delegate method textFieldShouldReturn: .)
Putting the pieces together
To finish your Whereami application, you just need to add two final methods: find-
Location , which is sent in textFieldShouldReturn: , and foundLocation: ,
which will be sent in locationMan-
ager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: . In WhereamiViewCon-
troller.h , declare these two methods.
@interface WhereamiViewController : UIViewController
<CLLocationManagerDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate,
CLLocationManager *locationManager;
IBOutlet MKMapView *worldView;
IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator;
IBOutlet UITextField *locationTitleField;
- (void)findLocation;
- (void)foundLocation:(CLLocation *)loc;
The findLocation method will tell the locationManager to start looking for the
current location. It will also update the user interface so that the user can't re-enter text in-
to the text field and will start the activity indicator spinning. The foundLocation:
method will create an instance of BNRMapPoint and add it to the worldView . It will
also handle the map's zoom and reset the states of the UI elements and the loca-
tionManager .
In WhereamiViewController.m , import BNRMapPoint.h and implement the two
#import "WhereamiViewController.h"
#import "BNRMapPoint.h"
@implementation WhereamiViewController
- (void)findLocation
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
[activityIndicator startAnimating];
[locationTitleField setHidden:YES];
- (void)foundLocation:(CLLocation *)loc
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