Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
• A UIActivityIndicatorView indicates that the device is working and not
• A UITextField allows the user to input text to label the current location on the
The model objects are on the bottom. One is an instance of CLLocationManager ,
which interacts with the device's hardware to determine the user's location. The other
model objects are instances of a class called BNRMapPoint , which you will create later
in this chapter.
In the middle of everything is the controller object, WhereamiViewController .
WhereamiViewController is responsible for processing updates and requests from
objects and for updating the user interface. It is the delegate for the MKMapView , the
UITextField , and the CLLocationManager .
Take a look at the messages these objects send to their delegate, the Wheream-
iViewController . MKMapView sends mapView:didAddAnnotationViews:
when a view (or views) is added. UITextField sends textFieldShouldReturn:
when the user has finished entering text. CLLocationManager sends loca-
tionManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: to inform Wheream-
iViewController of a location update.
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